Submerged into Subjectivity - By Selim 'Selim' Talat

Submerged into Subjectivity
By Selim 'Selim' Talat

    I look upon the human being as an empty vessel, seeking approval. This approval can come from anywhere. We have seen it, time and time again. You can be approved of by the Furher, by the Priest, by the King. To those of us outside of these circles of approval it seems utterly ridiculous, and obvious that the fanatical beliefs of people are blatantly false.

Yet for the people holding those beliefs, they gain so much easy approval from those around them that to jettison said mental retardants is to destroy the very foundation upon which their egotistic souls take their stead.

From childhood, our most vulnerable time, we are moulded by parents approval and disapproval. We are so used to being fashioned by human authority that we probably do not think about it too much, instead competing with each other mindlessly, forever beneath the shadow of a parental government and amoral corporation. We are taught to take the world for granted. This ignorance may seem blissful in the short term, yet in the long term the weak mind grows frustrated, for it cannot understand that its own foolish actions lead to its downfall; the mind entrenched in belief has no ability to use reason to understand cause and effect (which will help them grow more powerful than the events around them).

Yet we are not forever malleable. A belief once entrenched is hooked in like a flea, and no amount of tearing at the flesh can remove that flea. The believer must consistently feed their belief, and confirm that belief, yet they will always look to do so, and will not willingly pull the rug of faith from under their own feet.

So, human beings are approval engines. The question is, where will you find the approval necessary to make you feel like a successful human being?

Will you retreat into your immediate social circle and build walls around yourself; tend to each others wounds constantly and justify the world in terms familiar to you; stay safe in a cocoon with your friends; find company which maintains similar beliefs to yourself; think yourself successful based on the standards created by your group; see the approval of the group as an end in itself.


Will you grasp after something beyond you. Seek to create works of art and philosophy and music that will heal the wounds of humanity; dare to compare yourself to the masters of your age (and the ages beyond); strive to find immortality in the infinity of glorious universal creativity.

Choose carefully.

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