Real motives - by St.Zagarus the damned

Real motives

You think that because you entertain the possibility that you are imbibing intellectual poison that this somehow vindicates you of any chance of being wrong - token resistance! You search for arguments to undermine your position, you appear modest, but this is just to fool yourself into thinking your position is not dogmatic.

What exactly are your real motives for believing in a "better" world? Dare to find them if you will: Guilt, weakness, fear - these things colour your utopian discourse. Guilt for being born on the right side of the tracks. Weakness for not being able to compete with the new aristocracy. Fear of admitting that you could have succeeded in the cruel vortex that is society.

Stop and consider your real motives, ere you preach to others. Fools!

St.Zagarus the damned

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