Soldiers and Generals - By Selim 'Selim' Talat

Soldiers and Generals -

The ambiguous relation of soldiers to generals is thus: On the one hand they are in awe of their general, and love him like a father. On the other they are terrified of Father's disapproval, and live in constant fear of him.

It is in a human's nature to long for freedom, to create their own ideas of good and not to have to perform machinate tasks. This unquenchable lust to be uncaged lurks inside the most drilled and conditioned soldiers. This desire for freedom conflicts with their utter subjugation to Realm and General. As such, it leads the soldiers to hate the authority they simultaneously love and find purpose from. This in turn leads them to confusion, and out of the confusion they search out a cast-iron cure, an absolute truth. Ironically enough, the reassurance of their masters is that purpose and thus they continue the self-fulfilling cycle of searching after purpose, being confused by their ambiguous feelings, and resolving those feelings in the mindless obeyance of the powerful.

The soldiers have no means of taking out their frustration upon their masters, so instead they bully those weaker than themselves. Thus, their hatred of master and the impotent frustration it fosters is an absolutely essential element in maintaining the hierarchy between rulers and ruled. To put it another way, the hidden anger of the obedient soldier at having sold his freedom is what separates him from the people (the threat of his armed anger forever hangs over their heads) - if the people were allowed to advise the soldier, how long would the lofty general last?

Of course you might say the soldier defends his people. Indeed, the soldiers you salute at a parade may protect you from other soldiers, but those other soldiers fight for authoritative figures. It doesn't make a difference where a soldier is from, they belong to the universal category of soldier. And likewise with a general. Whoever wins whatever war, you as a person lose, for you are still under a violent authority. Your Realm may be the richest and the most powerful, yet still you should despair - you are merely a preened slave to violent authority. We must desire to have all soldiers in the world unite on one side, fighting against all of the generals on the other side, until we gain freedom; for what do soldiers do but defend us from, or instigate, the ambitions of soulless, evil rulers, who may only be marginally worse than our own, soulless, rulers? i.e. by having generals leading soldiers, we are perpetuating the very idea of generals and soldiers. Whilst this division exists, we cannot know freedom.

By Selim 'Selim' Talat

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