Of being placed within being
of existence within existence
the point of reference is
(A hall of mirrors in which our
observations return only what we observe:
a kind of sense of ourselves observing
from which we assume meaning.)
Of being conscious of being
our situation necessitates structure
in order to navigate the possibilities.
(If we see ourselves as prisoners then
our endeavours to understand
are merely the yearnings to become the
prison in order to establish why we are prisoners.)
In our lazy wealth we chatter,
drowning in vacuous gossip.
Our infinite technological horizons
invite us to stand still and gawp.
Our potential to dream
is routed down optic cables.
Others wait outside
but they do not partake:
they see nothing worth sharing.
They wait – visions are fleeting.
Sometimes the frame through which we
is more interesting than the picture
Simon Leake