The Sentient Rubik’s Cube

We sometimes like to perceive the world as an objective reality, but what if we were that objective reality to a subjective world that actually perceives us? What if it is us (who boldly like to make the claim of being empiricists) that actually were the experience to a rational ‘thinking’ and subjective world? Maybe David Hume’s argument regarding the problem of induction and the limitations of Knowledge could possibly fall down to the probability that we are nothing more than an object such as a Rubik’s cube that is manipulated into presenting different colours. These colours could be representatives of beliefs, ideologies, religious beliefs to emotions such as happiness and sadness. Just as we would like to believe that we are turning a Rubik’s Cube to find the right combination, it is the world that turns us in order to complete the puzzle.

As the saying goes ‘you have to try to think outside of the box,’ well maybe we are a box! What I mean by this is that we can detect an external presence (being the “objective” world), and as we can detect ‘it,’ it also detect us. Therefore, if the world were to be a ‘rational thinker’ and we were nothing more than a historical development for the world to experience, then surely this might explain just as an experience does not last forever, we also do not last forever and in fact we have more in common with experiences than the rational world has with us. The world is constantly in motion and yet we are not and the world, quite obviously, has a robust mechanism that must be rational as we are constantly pursuing empirical data to find some form of rational argument to prove our theories.

If we were supposed to be rational agents, we need not look around the corner to see what we could find, we would know just what was round the corner as we would be rational agents and who else but the world should know their body better than anyone to know just what is round the corner? I think it may be fair to suggest that maybe we are not philosophers at all and could be nothing more than literature that the world studies in order to shape a better future and a better world. We are made up of words after-all!

Sean Ash

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