The seamless inquisitor

Oh doom and gloom,
Born without a silver spoon,
When will you let the lovely light flood the solemn seas
And at what time will the rain no longer torrent the wilting trees?
When will the birds incessant singing stop,
And return to the grace of the natural clock?
Can you imagine a mind free from sorrow,
Or a heart as free as the paths of tomorrow?

Oh grey in May,
Who equally abhors each day,
When will the winds of wrath subside for goodness sake
And at what time will the high tides dissipate to form luscious lakes?
How long will you stop the flowers from bloom,
And return the madness from the mourning moon?
Can you conceive a life without misery,
Or a vivacious body not struck by melancholy?

Ellese Elliott

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