My Philosophy on Reproduction

Now is the time that face should form another...Die Single and thine image dies with thee.” – William Shakespeare, Sonnet 3.

In this (post)modern society we hail from, I am truly flabbergasted by a strange notion: having children is no longer in vogue. As a scientific materialist, I find this view quite bizarre. Our species, Homo Sapiens Sapiens, (Wise, wise man – we have evolved to become doubly wise), is successful, after all, due to our sex drive. In my moments of quiet reflection – whether in the bath, or during my journey to work – I am often drawn towards an obsessive train of thought. My thought process is as so:

1) 99.9 % of all species that have ever lived on Earth are extinct.
2) Humans are not extinct.
3) Therefore, there is something different about humans, and there was something different about early humans, too.

Decisions that early humans made have lead to us being how we are now. Our bodies, our voices, our brains and our language are the direct result of hundreds of thousands of years of human evolution. It’s extremely fascinating. We are, as of this moment, a link in a very long chain. Our existence is owed to choices made long ago – choices we have no input towards.

Like all other species, Homo Sapiens Sapiens lives to reproduce. This, from a very narrow scientific evolutionary perspective, is our purpose. People may think that this is a mechanical view of existence. I would contest this; the whole process, from the wooing, to the act of sex, from the pregnancy to the birth are all terribly profound. The science of conception, of the sperm’s 23 chromosomes meeting with the egg’s 23 chromosomes is just beautiful. After all, it contains the essence of man.

The sex drive is so strong because it has evolved to be so. Sex is so enjoyable because it has evolved to be so. Let’s be honest; if sex wasn’t enjoyable, no one would engage in intercourse. However, in these (post)modern times, we have become too scientifically advanced for our own good. We have learned to separate sex for pleasure and sex for reproduction. You must understand that evolution is so clever that it evolved to catch us out. Many people, after all, are the result of an unplanned fumble (myself included).

Despite this, humans have now invented contraception. Contraception allows humans to avoid pregnancy, and therefore, fewer children are born. In this very (post)modern world, humans have developed science which supersedes evolution. It is a very strange set of affairs.

The capitalist system is responsible for many things, and moral decadence is one thing that is often heralded against it. Children, the most important link in the chain to our continuation as a species, have been reduced to a financial cost. Many people don’t have children because they are “too selfish” to be parents.

However, they are also very selfish with regard to their ancestral genetics too. By not having children, you are destroying, killing stone dead, a genetic line which is hundreds of thousands of years old. These are the following people’s genetics you have destroyed:

1) 2 Parents.
2) 4 Grandparents.
3) 8 Great-grandparents.
4) 16 Great (x2) grandparents.
5) 32 Great(x3) grandparents.
6) 64 Great(x4) grandparents.
7) 128 Great(x5) grandparents

Now, I will admit, whereas your parent’s genetic legacy will die with you, it’s plausible that there are others to carry that legacy on. This becomes truer the further one goes back. Your Great(x5)grandparents may have 31 other lines to go through...but if we all think like that, our species will become extinct.

Also, by ending your genetic legacy, you have destroyed everything your ancestors fought for. Life was far more challenging in the past than it is now. There was no central heating; food was scarce; neighbouring tribes would be likely to murder all the men from your tribe and rape all the women – such was the barbaric nature of man. We are the product of those who were successful.
Our ancestors lived under that duress so that we could live. They fought against savages; they farmed through ice and droughts. They survived. They had culture. We have the genes and the memes of our ancestors. Consequently, should we really espouse such thoughtless sexual hedonism as a philosophy?

I think the answer to that is a resounding no. The oft mentioned quote, which is attributed to Socrates, is as follows: “The unexamined life is not worth living.” The fact is that having children forces the individual to examine many things: philosophy, values, religion, and politics. You have to reconsider who you are as a human being; only then can you help a new human being self-actualise.

Respect the ancestors. It is so profound to create life, and to nurture it. Being a life-giver is a truly beautiful thing. You owe it to the past, the now, and the future. The choice is up to you: to beget, or not to beget, that is the question!

Samuel Mack-Poole

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