The Limitations of Freedom - By Sean Ash

The Limitations of Freedom

 To understand the path to absolute freedom, it is paramount for the individual to first understand 'what is prison?'. If freedom is to become more tangible where it is completely understood and fully employed then one must first experience and undergo the greatest extents of captivity. This is because one must experience being held captive so that they can truly understand what freedom truly is in its entirety. It is exactly the same principle applied for one experiencing life to understand death. If you have not yet existed, you cannot understand life. Just because someone knows the culture in the West and has read of the culture in the East, it does not necessarily mean they will absolutely know the culture in the East. They will know and understand some truths but never the absolute Truth. It is the same for those of the educated; one is simply not born educated but they become educated. Ergo, one must first be uneducated to be educated; unconscious to be conscious and dead to be alive. Being 'not' something is imperative to becoming something. There has to be space to find movement.

      This same principle can be applied to absolutely anything and everything because it is a principle that works in every case. For words it is the synonym and antonym as a dialectical process to the synthesis of synantononym. Clearly there is no definition of 'synantononym' and it is the same with the after life; we prescribe our own beliefs as to what it might mean. It is possible that absolutely anything could be ascribed to this word. However, it would deduct the blood line from which it came. Therefore, it can only come to life through the genes of both parents, and something that represents two different things. The after life must then be a make up of both metaphysical and physical as we are moving forward in time and not backwards. If evolution is the case, it makes no sense going back to a state we have already existed in as it is not productive and contradicts any purpose of movement thus making it arbitrary. Therefore, if purpose is to be Truth, then it can only manifest our moving from non-existence to existence which means that within the third must exist both. This means that when we die, we are made up of both existence and non-existence at the same time. We will no longer B(-eing) but we will C (see).

      For many, freedom is something that is fought for on many battle fields but freedom cannot be truly explained or put into place and it never will. It simply cannot function here. It is like a man going into space without a space suit. Freedom cannot exist here in this reality as it simply does not belong here. It would be like looking around and trying to find God. We have the concepts of such things, that is true, but we must await the next life to find the answers. As for now, we simply make the answers up so that we can put to rest dead-end philosophy. Dead-end philosophy is a type of philosophy that simply cannot be answered as it is like starting at a point of A to then ending back at A without ever reaching B, and B does exactly the same so that no truths ever clash. They have only stayed within their own prison cells to remain live.

      To end, man lives out his life trying to escape the inevitable. He has the freedom in his sight only he does not have a clue what it truly looks like, what it feels like to have and what such a word could mean. It is a contested concept that can only ever be explained outside the walls of prison. We are prisoners to our own bodies while we live in this reality and so we can only ever experience a state of freedom when we are dead. For those that convince themselves to be either governors or prisoners in life, whatever you should convince yourself to be in this life you shall be the opposite in the next. It's not so bad being a prisoner, should this be the case, just as it is not so bad to experience darkness as the only thing that can possibly come from it is freedom and light.

By Sean Ash

The Philosophy Takeaway 'Open Topic' Issue 30

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