A young girls dream

When I was a little girl
I decided I was to save the world
I felt others pain and sadness
And that our society was subject to madness

Yet as a child I had no means
No idea how, nor any money in my jeans
But knew the journey I would take
And the decisions I would make

When I arrived at puberty
Quickly everything became about me
The latest fashion was my obsession
And my happiness was determined by possessions

But it did not take long to realize
That these ideals were lies
And that the dream around me
Had been created by the enemy

Then a number of circumstances
Were to sabotage my chances
But a skein I grabbed onto
And unraveled some helpful clues

I pieced them together
I forgot I was so clever
And the picture was philosophy
And it was intended for me

Anon, I travelled this path
And rekindled my ability to laugh
At what was so much nonsense?
But slowly made more and more sense

But locked in a lingual cage
That had been kept secret from age to age
How would one steal?
This truth to then reveal

This is how I would save the world
The dream I prophesized as a little girl
To bring philosophy to the masses
So they could save their own asses.

Ellese Elliott

The Philosophy Takeaway 'Open Topic' Issue 30

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