The battle proper - By Selim 'Selim' Talat

            In these moments of clarity we all experience, we must realize that we are fighting a constant battle with the Body. Let it be known first that without these Bodily impulses to survive, and then to thrive and spread into infinity, we could not have survived as a species. Yet now we must live with our hungry, amoral Bodies growing toward the sky and digging their stout roots deep into the earth beneath, whilst the Mind, an entity of pure good and awareness of all the universe tries to stay its revulsion and guide the Body: The active Mind will always push the Body away from committing acts of what it considers immoral (suffering), toward what it considers moral (absence of suffering, universal happiness). Our will is free insofar as it can decide to calculate the best path of good for itself, and for those around it. In effect, our Bodies are utterly determined to be materially hedonistic, childish wailing flesh engines howling in infinite lust whilst our Minds can choose to succumb to these desires and be carried away, or discover in themselves their world-transcendent nature and rise above mere physical pleasure. Let it be known that the highest pleasure is the awareness of another persons sentience. For all of its promises of joy the Body cannot even give us the best experience possible!
            It is entirely up to you as an individual to win this battle. No one else can do anything beyond choosing to encourage you. History will show us again and again that when a group tries to control another’s instinct for expansion, those who control the people are incapable of controlling themselves, and subject to the direst hypocrisy. Just do not expect to be in total control of your Body all of the time - the best you can do is steer your 'Moral context' in the best direction you think possible and let the body take over from there. We are not utterly doomed children of Fate; we still have a will which can be strong and aware, or weak and childish. It is entirely up to you as an individual to what extent you can overcome the cultural and primitive forces that have shaped your experiences. Although not all the time of course, where would be the fun in that?
By Selim 'Selim' Talat

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