All is well that ends well. - By Lloyd Duddridge

All is well that ends well.

You will die one day. You really really will. One day they will lower you into the ground,or as I would prefer, burn you to ashes. Existence will be ended. No Heaven, no everlasting happiness,no reunions with loved ones lost. Why should there be? Imagine an endless life,no form,no definition no meaning. Just a blob of life. A piece of plasticine. 

The fact that you have one shot at the thing they call life is its greatest gift and tragedy. The fact that you live once forces you to choose. It is a rationing process and some will get more than others. Life does not respect equality. It shouts at us and says one word. Pick. Many will deny life its voice and say can't one love everyone equally. These people are the deniers of life. These are the people who have the conceit they will live for ever. These are the foolish. 

Intelligence is the ability to choose well. It is nothing more and nothing less. You choose well you are an intelligent person. The meaning of life starts in the recognition that you will not be eternal. Life begins when one understands what Shakespeare means by ‘’All’s well the end well’ even the most beautiful song would deafen us it if never ended. Why should we be any more beautiful than a song? 

A good life is one that has more happy days than sad ones. There is no law more powerful than that. Have faith without being crippled by it. Pick your friends carefully. A good friend is an elixir. Trust a sentimental mind. They will remember the things you love. Remember that every spark is extinguished. True commitment is what you rebuild in the ensuing power cut.  

Life is a kiss, too short and it feels rushed and unloved ,too long and its becomes nothing more than froth. Surround yourself with beautiful people, but love them even more when they become old, which they will. 

Justice does not exist in nature, it is humanities thing, be proud of that. Do not respect reputations, apart from your own. Shout at the pompous or even better laugh at them. Throw at least one punch in your life. Tell God, you got this one. Desire only freedom. Don’t love only that which you don’t have. Look around once a day at what you do have. Never allow excuses for suffering. There is no defence for it. Never trust a person who uses phrases like ‘not in the real world or ‘ in reality’.  If you see a way to make things better choose that path. 

Some things you will never get over. Don’t fear though, these things define you. Go to at least one wedding, and fight for him or her. Take a sad song and make it better. Create patterns. Do not let patterns create you. Rules are great if they enrich, terrible if they suffocate. There are no guilty pleasures. Ask questions, even when you think they are stupid. After all they thought every genius was stupid at the start. Write down your dreams. Words after all are a net. Miss people, really miss them. Then when they least suspect it call them, and watch them smile. 

At least once in your life make a person laugh and cry at the same time. Try and sleep well, there is no greater pleasure. Sing in the shower,and sing in the street. Make noise, make your presence felt. Leave a tattoo on the world. As with one on your skin it often takes pain to get you there. If you can, because its not always possible spend your last evening with the one who knows you best. Every other evening as well if you can. 

Listen to a piano, God does not exist but if he did that would be his voice. The Camera can lie. In fact so can everything. Be sceptical it will give you strength. However innocent till proven guilty. Don’t jump, slide it is much cooler. Rant and rave, love and crave. Remember how powerful your words are. Remember that your touch is even stronger than that. 

Hell is regret. It is easy to get to hell, but hard to get out of it. They only way is to say what you feel. To go out into the jungle the world and capture that which is precious. Man is far closer to a magpie than an ape. Select people. Trust people. Love is always a choice. 

Make the most out of your portion,season it how you want. The really smart need hardly any sauce at all. They only use that which gets rid of the bitter. Build your own ark. Please read one more book than you think you can. Let your only addiction be life,and even then quit.

Lloyd Duddridge

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